Home > Differences Between Feral Cat and Stray Cat

Differences Between Feral Cat and Stray Cat

June 10, 2023

Feral cat and stray cat are two words we often hear, but there are some differences between them. Although they are both homeless cats, their lifestyles and behaviors are different. Here are the differences between feral and stray cats.


Having Used to Be Domesticated or not

Feral cats are cats that have never been domesticated by humans. They usually live in the wild, far from where people live. Feral cats are part of the wild animal, with independent lifestyles and hunting skills. Feral cats usually rely on themselves to find food and shelter in the wild. They have strong survival ability and can adapt to various environmental and climatic conditions. Feral cats often form groups, form a social structure, and communicate through smell, sound, and body language. With little contact with humans, they are wary of humans.


Stray cats are cats that used to have owners, but for some reason lost their homes. Stray cats may leave their homes due to irresponsible owners or accidental circumstances. They usually live close to where humans live and depend on humans for food and shelter. Stray cats have a certain dependence on humans, and they will look to humans for help in obtaining food and protection. Stray cats often live alone and do not form a clear social structure. Because stray cats have no permanent shelter, they often have to face hunger, disease and other dangers.


Attitude Toward Humans

Another important factor that distinguishes feral cats from stray cats is their attitude toward humans. Feral cats generally have reservations about humans, and they are not very accessible or domesticated by humans. Stray cats, on the other hand, usually feel a certain closeness to humans, and may actively approach humans in search of food and warmth. Stray cats also sometimes seek human companionship and love.


For both feral and stray cats, we should give attention and help. For feral cats, we should respect their wild instincts and not interfere with their lives. For stray cats, we should provide food, shelter and medical care to help them through difficult times. At the same time, we should also strengthen the awareness of pet owners' responsibility to avoid cats becoming part of the stray cats.


To sum up, there are some differences between feral and stray cats in lifestyle, behavior, and relationship with humans. Knowing these differences can help us better understand and care for these homeless cats and provide them with appropriate help and protection.