Home > Five Training Tips for New Kitten Owners

Five Training Tips for New Kitten Owners

June 19, 2023

As a new kitten owner, you may face some challenges, such as how to train your kitten. Training a kitten takes patience and skill, and here are five kitten training tips to help you build a good relationship and develop good habits in your kitten.


Establish a regular routine

Kittens need a regular daily routine that includes regular meals, toilet breaks, and play time. Set up a regular schedule for your kitten to feed, clean the litter box and interact with her at the same time every day. This will help the kitten establish a routine and make it feel safe and stable.


Use rewards and compliments

Rewards and compliments are effective ways to train kittens. When your kitten shows good behavior, such as using the litter box or following your commands, give it rewards and compliments, such as treats or gentle petting. This will help the kitten make positive associations and motivate it to continue good behavior.


Set boundaries and rules

Kittens need to know what they can and can't do. Set some boundaries and rules, such as not serving on the table, not grabbing furniture, etc., and be consistent. When the cat breaks the rules, it should be stopped in time and given the appropriate punishment, such as making noises or gently tapping the table. However, be aware that the punishment should be brief and do not use excessive force so as not to injure the kitten.


Provide appropriate toys and activities

Kittens are active animals who need the right toys and activities to expend their energy and satisfy their curiosity. Provide some toys suitable for kittens, such as small balls, feather sticks, etc., so that they can play freely. At the same time, interact with the kittens regularly, such as using a laser pointer to guide them to chase, giving appropriate petting and cuddling. This will help the kitten release energy and reduce disruptive behavior.


Build a relationship of interaction and trust

Building a good relationship of interaction and trust with the kitten is the foundation of training. Try to stay as close as possible to the kitten, giving gentle strokes and cuddles to make it feel your love and attention. At the same time, respect the kitten's personality and needs, and don't force it to do things it doesn't want to do. When a good relationship of interaction and trust is established, the kitten will be more willing to accept your instructions and training.


As a new kitten owner, training a kitten takes patience and time. Remember to stay positive, not be too demanding, and give the kitten plenty of time to adapt and learn. With these five training tips, you can build a good relationship with your kitten and develop good habits. And finally, have a great time with your kitten!