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How to Exterminate the Fleas on Kittens

June 14, 2023

Kittens are one of the pets in many families. They are lovely, lively and bring us a lot of happiness. Fleas on kittens, however, are a serious problem. Fleas not only cause discomfort to kittens, they may also spread disease. So, how do we get rid of fleas on kittens?


First, we should bathe the kitten regularly. Using a special pet shampoo, soak the kitten in warm water according to the instructions and gently massage it all over to make sure the shampoo penetrates into the hair. Then, rinse the kitten well with water, making sure not to leave any shampoo residue. After bathing, gently dry the cat's hair with a clean towel to prevent the cat from catching cold.


Second, we should clean the cat's body regularly. Using a special pet comb, comb the kitten's hair to remove fleas and their eggs. Be gentle when grooming to avoid damaging the kitten's skin. After combing, soak the comb in soapy water to kill the carded fleas and their eggs.


Additionally, we can also use commercially available flea spray or flea powder. Before use, read the instructions carefully to ensure safe use. Spray or powder can effectively kill fleas on kittens and prevent fleas from breeding again. When using, be careful to avoid the cat's eyes and muzzle, so as not to cause discomfort.


In addition to the above methods, we can also regularly change the cat's clean bed and toys. Fleas and their eggs can hide in beds and toys, and regular replacement can reduce the chance of flea breeding. At the same time, we should also regularly clean the places that kittens often come and go, such as the floor, the sofa, etc., to reduce the breeding and spread of fleas.


Finally, if the above methods are not effective in removing fleas from the cat, we should consult the veterinarian in time. The veterinarian will give more professional advice and treatment plan according to the specific situation of the kitten. At the same time, the veterinarian can also inject flea medicine for the kitten to achieve a better flea removal effect.


In short, removing fleas from kittens requires patience and care. Regular bathing and cleaning, using flea spray or powder, changing beds and toys regularly, and consulting a veterinarian are effective ways to get rid of fleas on kittens. Kittens can only grow up healthy and happy if they are provided with a clean and comfortable environment.