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Understanding Pup Chewing: Reasons and Remedies

July 27, 2023

Puppies are undeniably adorable, with their innocent eyes and playful demeanor. However, one common behavior that can be both endearing and frustrating is their tendency to chew on anything they can get their paws on. Understanding why puppies chew and implementing effective strategies to prevent destructive chewing can help create a harmonious environment within the household.


Coming to the “why’s” first, there are several reasons why puppies are inherent chewers. Firstly, similar to human infants, puppies go through a teething process. During this time, chewing provides comfort to their sore gums, offering a measure of distraction from the discomfort. Secondly, chewing is a means for puppies to explore their environment as their mouth is one of their most sensitive areas. It helps them discover what is palatable, what isn’t, what’s safe, and what could be potentially harmful. Thirdly, puppies have an abundance of energy, and chewing is an outlet for that energy, especially when they are bored or anxious.


Now that we’ve discerned why puppies chew, we can progress towards understanding how to prevent them from damaging household items. Here are some strategies for safe, positive chewing habits.


To address destructive chewing, it is crucial to provide puppies with appropriate outlets for their chewing needs. Begin by puppy-proofing the house, removing any valuable or hazardous items that could potentially be chewed. This includes shoes, electrical cords, and small objects that pose a choking hazard. Instead, provide them with a variety of safe and engaging chew toys. There are numerous options available, including rubber toys, puzzle toys, and dental chews. Experiment with different textures and sizes to find the toys that best suit your puppy’s preferences. By redirecting their chewing behavior towards appropriate objects, you can effectively discourage them from damaging your belongings.


Second, understanding that teething could be the source of relentless chewing, ice cubes or freezing chew toys can offer puppies reprieve from teething discomfort. Moreover, different oral soothing products specifically designed for teething puppies are also available in the market.


What’s more, supervision is key when it comes to managing a puppy’s chewing behavior. When you cannot directly supervise your puppy, confine them to a safe area such as a puppy-proofed room or a crate. This prevents them from accessing items they shouldn’t chew on and minimizes the risk of accidents or injuries. Gradually increase their freedom as they demonstrate improved chewing habits and maturity.


Fourth, interact and engage with them regularly. As mentioned before, puppies often chew out of boredom or anxiety, so it is important to spend quality time with them. Regular exercising, training sessions, or simple playtimes can help dispel excess energy, keeping their minds stimulated and engaged.


Remember, it is never about punishing them for what is an innate tendency but rather about teaching and showing them what’s acceptable to chew and what’s not. The effective balance between understanding and corrective guidance will result in harmonious cohabitation with your puppy.